Sexual technology will become an industry worth 3.3 billion dollars in the next ten years, and every fourth man is already ready to have sex with robots today.
Technology that is supposed to make us more connected, in real life is increasingly separating us physically. Research such as that of the Nielsen company shows that adults spend almost half the day listening, watching, reading or generally interacting with the media and social networks. But even that research is already five years old, so these data are already out of date.
Further widening the gap in physical connectivity between people has been deepened by new technologies such as ChatGPT which has the ability to hold a human-like conversation. We no longer need a human being to communicate with someone, and futurologists predict that we won’t need the close proximity of other people even for sex.
Future Market Insight estimates that the sex technology and sexual wellness market will reach a value of nearly $3.3 billion in the next ten years; this is a huge growth since its market value is somewhere under $600 million.
Generative artificial intelligence is radically changing and facilitating the way we interact with the environment around us and ushering us into the age of readily available sex robots and UI girls, like 23-year-old Caryn Marjorie, the first influencer cloned into CarynAI, an artificial intelligence chatbot.

Behind this project is Forever Voices, a company that previously created versions of AI chatbots for Taylor Swift, Steve Jobs and Donald Trump. Developers combed through 2,000 hours of her now-defunct YouTube content to carefully design and code Caryn’s language and personality into an immersive AI experience on the Telegram messaging app.
CarynAI communicates with 1,000 customers to whom it charges a dollar per minute of conversation. One might wonder why anyone would pay for a simple conversation, but a chatbot running on OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 has generated $71,610 in revenue while still in beta, and the real Caryn claims she can easily make five million dollars a month just from talking to people on the Internet. There is currently a waiting list to use CarynAI’s services, from real-time messaging to end-to-end encrypted chat that ensures messages remain confidential.
Given the speed at which artificial intelligence is developing, it’s only a matter of time before someone creates a very realistic sexbot. In fact, back in 2019, British company AI-AItech UK bragged about inventing a sex robot with chest cavities to mimic the way a real human breathes, so the robot doesn’t come across as callous.
Futurologist Ian Pearons predicts that by 2050, robot sex will surpass human sex. His colleague Tracey Follows recalls that in Japan today, a large number of young men prefer relationships with their digital assistants, avatars or holographic girlfriends, all so that they do not have to deal with the complexities of relationships in real life. And this trend is only increasing and expanding.
Relationships between humans and artificial intelligence will soon be the accepted norm, according to Follows. However, not only futurologists believe that AI sexbots will replace human sex, but also almost half of the adult American population; they believe that in the second half of the century, sex with robots will be a common practice, and every fourth man was ready to engage in sex with a robot at the time of the survey.

Gawdat’s claim is refuted by some previous studies, such as the British one, which states that sex robots will not solve the feeling of loneliness. “It remains unproven that human needs for intimacy will be satisfied by this: A person can truly desire a sexbot, but the reciprocation of attention and feelings can only be artificially imitated and will not be real,” the researchers of the study pointed out.
Futurists also fear some negative aspects of the development of ultra-realistic deepfakes.
“I assume that deepfake pornography will continue to grow and it will be very difficult to regulate it. In order to engage in virtual sex with a deepfake neighbor or some celebrity, all you need is a few photos or videos of them and a suitable artificial intelligence platform,” warns Follows, emphasizing as we can only speculate about the psychological effects of such relationships, both on the users of such services and on the people whose images and videos are used to satisfy sexual lust, with or without their consent.